Home Community Festival provisional program

Community Festival provisional program

Hi everybody – we are seeing some gradual lifting of Covid restrictions – and looking at other countries who are slightly ahead of us it looks quite possible that we may be able to run a “new normal” – socially distanced festival in September. As you may remember Shefford Newsline is a major communication channel for the program – as they kindly publish the program in their August issue – so I am working to a deadline of the end of June to put a provisional listing together. Obviously this will be on the basis that events will only run if they meet guidelines – and if the guidelines permit the Festival to run overall – otherwise we will have to cancel it. However I believe that it is worth preparing for the best even if we do have to cancel at the last minute – it is my hope that the odds are in our favour.

A good example is the flowering of interest in a Garage Sale Trail event – so many homes have been cleared out and de-cluttered! Likewise I am encouraged by the gathering linkage of recovery with climate and other green issues – we have managed to come together to deal with the pandemic – let’s do the same for community issues like global warming and the environment.  Of course Festival events may need to be spaced out and number limited but I suspect that by September we will be accustomed to these adjustments and will be able to enjoy ourselves in safety.

Please let me know details of your event – either by email to [email protected]  or by registering on the website at https://www.sheffordcommunityfestival.co.uk/registration/

Look for news updates on the website at  https://www.sheffordcommunityfestival.co.uk/ and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/sheffordcommunityfestival/ 

Also at Shefford and Local Villages https://www.facebook.com/sheffordandlocalvillages/

All best for your health and that of our families.

Ian Deavin

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