Home Friday at the Festival – arty, crafty, foody and mind, body, spirity

Friday at the Festival – arty, crafty, foody and mind, body, spirity

Sunflowers at the Self Help Art Group

The day started off with a meeting of the Self Help Art Group at the STMA where a cheerful group of artists squared up to the task of imitating one Vincent van Gogh with a vase of sunflowers. See their work here:

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The evening was exciting in town for the much loved EatFeast street food on the High Street, which was busy as always with a great selection of stalls and people taking the opportunity to eat international street food and to catch up with friends in the lovely weather.

Street food 1Street food 2Street food 3

Meanwhile, back at the STMA, the Shefford Mind Body Spirit & Craft Fair was in full swing with record numbers and stalls from card readings to Churches Together.

Crafts and spirit 1

In a  quiet side room was a selection of reflexology, massage – head and back with pre-loved books to compliment the overall theme. Out in the crowded main hall were a great range of offerings combining beautiful crafts and all things Mind Body Spirit to expand your heart and nurture your soul – just what we needed at the end of a busy week!

Craft and spirit 2
With a mix of handmade loveliness, plus crystals, readers and therapists, this was the perfect way to bridge the gap between work and the weekend.

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