We are about to send out our printed program to every house in Shefford courtesy of the great people at LivingLife – so look out for their September issue and don’t throw away the inserts until you have collected and saved your festival program – a whole six pages with even more activities! This year is our seventh – if you count the “silent” festival in 2020 when H&S shut us down for Covid – but some events still continued. As usual, our program is listed as “Draft” since not all organisers managed to get information to us in time for printing but we will continue to update the online program up to the week itself – so if you have some news do let us know however late it is.

This year we welcome the Community Market on Sat 14th Sept, which is about to celebrate its 12th month and is becoming a notable local event on the second Saturday of each month. We are delighted their timing matched ours and look forward to seeing the fruit and veg along with the crafts and the street food and the books and the cakes and all the other stuff.

Speaking of crafts – that reminds me that once agin we will see our own Mind Body Spirit & Craft Fair at the STMA on Friday 20th Sept 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm.