Regular activities in Shefford continue on through the Community Festival so if you are new to the town or just looking for a new social activity then do check out these :-

Tuesday 20th September:
1.15 – 3.15pm Shefford Art Group at the Community Hall. Contact Kath Smith, 01462 812265.
6.30pm Majorettes at the STMA. Contact Kate Martin on 01462 647688, [email protected].
7.00pm onward Line Dancing. Contact Rosemarie on Tel: 01462 617052 or Mobile: 07711370932. Email: [email protected].
7.30 – 9.00pm Women’s Institute at Shefford Community Hall. Contact Amanda Baldwin at [email protected].
8.00pm onwards Darts League at the STMA. Contact Dec Hennessy, [email protected].
Shefford Tai Chi

Weekday activities during the Community Festival are reflective of what is available in the town every week, and my own Tai Chi class offers a healthy and social pass time, just turn up and enjoy.

Monday 19th September:
Pigeon Club at the STMA. Contact the bar for details.
2.30pm Tai Chi “Over 50’s” class at the Community Hall: Contact Ian Deavin 07860 218334.
6.00pm Children’s Karate at the STMA. Contact Sensei Gabriel Tan on 07742 820956, [email protected]. First lesson is free.
6.30pm Thai Kick Boxing (adults). Contact Micky Marcantonio on Mobile: 07885249745 or Email: [email protected].
7.00pm Meppershall Players at the STMA. Contact Karen Mitchell 01462 816336, [email protected].
7.15pm Shefford Runners at the STMA. Contact [email protected].
8.00pm Ladies Darts at the STMA. Contact [email protected].

There is certainly a lot to do on the first Sunday  I particularly look forward to the Garage Sale Trail and the Scarecrow Festival.

Sunday 18th September:
10.00 – 12.00 Taekwondo at the Community Hall. Contact Jonathan Marshall, 07596 542565.
All day – Greenline Medical Services will demonstrate a variety of First Aid Skills at PI House, 23 Clifton Rd, Shefford SG17 5AF – with Tours of their Land Rover and Mercedes Ambulances, and First Aid Games. Free of charge. Contact Scarlett King, 07770 599918
[email protected].
Morning – Shefford Saints Football Club at the STMA. For details contact [email protected].
9.00 – 7.00pm Scarecrow Festival – all around Town. Get creative and make a scarecrow to display over the weekend of 16th to 18th September. Register the address of where your scarecrow is located and then join in the fun trail around Shefford and surrounding areas to find all the others!To register or for more info e-mail [email protected] Participate for free – contact Joanna Wright, 07704170582.
11.00 – 3.00pm Shefford Garage Sale Trail – a car boot sale with bigger gaps between stalls! Collect a FREE trail sheet from Country Properties from September 10th. To register your own stall collect a form from Country Properties (from July 1st – Aug 24th) Your £5 registration fee will be donated to Shefford Christmas Lights.Contact Lesley, 01462 615821 / 07799 642863 or e-mail [email protected]
6.30pm Tai Chi beginners and seniors class at the Community Hall: Contact Ian Deavin 07860 218334.
Harmonix Construction

It is wonderful how local businesses are getting behind our Community Festival – the latest is Harmonix Construction who explain that they  “have the skills and experience to challenge conventional construction techniques, it’s paramount to us that we consider innovation and value engineering, without jeopardising account, programme and cost.”

Harmonix are working locally on a long term project and have a company ethos to support local communities.

“Our forward planning, open approach and sharp eye(s) for detail continue to drive our success. Our flat management structure and hands-on management style ensure that our client’s specifications are always met.

Through our continual investment in these principals, we’re delighted to see many of our satisfied clients return with repeat business, proving again and again that we deliver on time and on budget.”

Contact Harmonix Construction

We are delighted to give a shout out for the STMA Family Fun Day this year and wish them well.

STMA Family Fun Day 2022

Activities all day with the Community Festival this year – stroll around town, claim a cupcake, work it off and take the family on a fun day – what’s not to like – surely something for everyone. Unless you have a better idea for a new event?

Saturday 17th September:
9:00 Children’s dance class at the STMA. Contact Danielle Ellis – 07866395739, email [email protected].
All day – Greenline Medical Services will demonstrate a variety of First Aid Skills at PI House, 23 Clifton Rd, Shefford SG17 5AF – with Tours of their Land Rover and Mercedes Ambulances, and First Aid Games. Free of charge. Contact Scarlett King, 07770 599918
[email protected].
Morning – Shefford Saints Football Club at the STMA. For details contact [email protected].
9.30 – 10.30am Tai Chi in the Park. Free session for all, especially beginners. At Digswell field adjacent to the STMA. Contact Ian Deavin email [email protected] 07860 218334.
9.00 – 2.00pm The Shefford 100 Great Cupcake Giveaway. Find the cupcake voucher in LivingLife and take it to Rose’s at Duck Lane. The first 100 people who take in an original voucher can claim one cake per person, per voucher on the 17th September, between 9.00am and 2.00pm.
9.00 – 7.00pm Scarecrow Festival – all around Town. Get creative and make a scarecrow to display over the weekend of 16th to 18th September. Register the address of where your scarecrow is located and then join in the fun trail around Shefford and surrounding areas to find all the others!To register or for more info e-mail [email protected] Participate for free – contact Joanna Wright, 07704170582.
12.00 noon Street Calisthenics  at The Hub Millennium Green with Competitive fitness challenges i.e. pull ups and dead hang for the longest time. There will be prizes and exercises designed to bring the everyone together. Cost £1 per go. Contact Tristan Blake, 07391 725039 [email protected]
1.00pm Family Fun Day at the STMA. Family fun day with bouncy castle and barbecue. Free to come but there is a charge for the barbecue. Contact Rob Slater, 0545189233, [email protected].

Activities day by day

We are five weeks away from this year’s Community Festival and have a great range of activities in the program  – so please check out the daily program to plan what you would like to attend – and maybe to think of an event you would like to organise – there is still time!

Friday 16th September:
8.30 – 1.30pm Health Watch Central Bedfordshire in the High Street. A ‘Just Ask’ event involves staff and colleagues from various organisations to provide a wealth of information, guidance and advice for local residents about local health and social care. Contact Annette Brown  [email protected] 0300 303 8554.
3.00 – 7.00pm Scarecrow Festival – all around Town. Get creative and make a scarecrow to display over the weekend of 16th to 18th September. Register the address of where your scarecrow is located and then join in the fun trail around Shefford and surrounding areas to find all the others!To register or for more info e-mail [email protected]  Participate for free – contact Joanna Wright, 07704170582.
4.00 – 7.00pm Theatre Fun at the Methodist Church. FREE Taster session for all 6-16 year olds who want to have Theatre Fun and learn to become a triple threat in Musical Theatre. Contact Founder and Artistic Director Hollie Milburn, [email protected], 07376 058147.
6.00 – 9.00pm Craft Fair at the STMA Sports & Social Club. Come and browse some unique, hand-made gifts from local producers and crafters. Spread the cost of Christmas or just treat yourself and your loved ones! The bar will be open for reluctant partners of keen shoppers who don’t want to stay home alone! All enquiries to Lesley at [email protected].

We regret that we have incorrectly shown a Line Dancing event at 2.00 on Friday 23rd September.

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