Shefford craft fair

We are delighted to see that following her successes with the Garage Sale Trail – Lesley Whiteman has launched a new Craft Fair for this year’s festival – taking place at the STMA Lesley is calling for stall holders at what promises to be a lively and interesting event for all the community. Afterall who doesn’t like to wander around a good craft fair?


One of our signature events is calling for registrations – have a stall in your drive/garden and sell off whatever you’ve got – this always popular Garage Sale Trail also offers the opportunity to walk around Shefford and get to know lots of people while buying stuff. I love it because I also get to see the Scarecrow Festival on the way round.

Garage Sale Trail registrations
Shefford playground


The kids playground at the centre of Shefford has always been a good place for mums and dads to take young kids – positioned adjacent to Palmoli Square it is on a very popular route and convenient to Morrisons, library, industrial/retail  estate, Church, dance school and high street. Following its recent refurbishment, it seems to get packed – especially when Eat Feast is in town!

Shefford town centre

Shefford town centre – the memorial and market square on a lovely sunny day – a nice place to see the world go on with its business, from a bench or a cafe – it is a busy place with all our estate agents, takeaways and hair/beauty establishments – also of course the library, church ( now serving coffees again), council office and chemist.


Shefford Methodist Church

Set back from the road this nonetheless impressive Methodist Church may be easily missed – but is well known to the wider community for the range of dance classes and other events held there.  What would we do without these community-oriented venues?

Eateries in Shefford

You are never far from an eatery when in town – here’s a couple of them for starters – and for dessert!

The ducks of Shefford

A short walk out from the Post Office we come to a bridge, which seems to be home to our local ducks – a flock of variable size depending on how many ducklings survive I suppose. Some of them even end up in local gardens – they hoovered up all our goldfish one year!

Just a flash of iridescent blue across the water and it was gone. Not for the first time on our local rivers but it seems you have to be quick to spot them – walking Shefford’s rivers can be a rewarding pastime.

Angling is perennially popular and this person was nicely settled for a pleasant afternoon by the river walk.  Scenes like this can be found just a hundred yards or so from town and enable much-appreciated relief from otherwise stressed times.

The Beach on the river

Shefford has some lovely river walks – one of them takes you to The Beach – a popular venue for family picnics and teenage gatherings. There are booklets showing walks around Shefford which I believe are available from the library and the council offices.

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