Garage Sale Trail Scarecrow entry

Sunday 22 Sept a quiet day with some interesting activity featuring the Garage Sale Trail and day two of the Scarecrow festival and the Art Exhibition and the Bowls club open day. Why not have a post-Sunday lunch stroll round town to meet some Shefford residents and perhaps reflect on the activities of the past week – what new activity have you found in Shefford during this year’s festival. Will you find an activity/event to run next year? Will you participate in an existing event? Maybe display a painting, or a scarecrow or clear out your garage and recycle your old stuff?

9.00 – 19.00 Scarecrow Festival – all around Town.

Shefford Saints Football Club at the STMA

10.00-4.00 Shefford Art Exhibition at the Community Hall.

10.30 to 3.30 Bowls Club annual finals and open day

11.00 – 3.00 pm Garage Sale Trail. All around town.

6.30 Tai Chi class at the Community Hall.


St Michaels Harvest Festival


Art exhibition

Saturday 21 September is looking to be a busy day with a great selection of our signature events giving an opportunity to walk around town and participate in the Scarecrow Festival, the Art Exhibition Guitar lessons and a Family Fun Day – while just across the STMA car park there will be the Bowls Club annual finals and open day.

scarecrow festival Bowls finals

9.00 – 19.00 Scarecrow Festival – all around Town.

Shefford Saints Football Club  at the STMA

9.00 Children’s dance classes at the STMA

10.00-4.00 Shefford Art Exhibition at the Community Hall.

10.30 to 3.30 Bowls Club annual finals and open day

11.00-12.00 Guitar taster lessons with Barnwell Music – Contact for bookings [email protected].

STMA fun day

2.00 pm STMA Fun Day – Family fun afternoon with free play for the family.

Scarecrow festival 3

Craft fair











Friday 20 starts off our second weekend with some brilliant stuff! Especially with the opportunity to see the scarecrows, get some lovely street food and visit Shefford’s own Mind Body Spirit & Craft Fair at the STMA. Three signature events that  express what the festival is all about.

10.00-12.00 Self Help Art group at the STMA

3.00 – 19.00 Scarecrow Festival – all around Town.

5.00 – 9.00 pm EatFeast street food. High Street

6.00 – 9.00 pm. Shefford Mind Body Spirit & Craft Fair at STMA

Shefford Community Hall

STMAQuite a few things going on in Shefford  on Thursday 19 this year – these are the sort of regular activities that you might like to contact the individual organisers about before you go. See our program for details.

10.00am – 11.00am – Beginners Line Dancing at the Community Hall

10.30 – 11.30 am Jo Jingles at the STMA

8.00 pm Crib League at the STMA

8pm – 9.30pm The Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society at the Community Hall

7.30 – 8.30pm Full Bottle Fitness at the STMA

7.15 pm Shefford Runners at the STMA

Millenium Green

Tuesday 17 is a day for active people to get outdoors and help maintain our open spaces – this time on a working party at Millenium Green. The Art Society is also active in the afternoon at the Community Hall – for those who relish being dynamic then the Shefford Majorettes are working hard at the STMA followed by the friendly social grouping of our local WI again at the Community Hall and the Darts League at the STMA.

So do have fun and enjoy yourselves!

10.00 – 12.00 Millennium Green, Conservation Group work party

1.15pm – 3.15pm Art Society at the Community Hall

6.30 pm Shefford Majorettes at the STMA.

7.30 – 9.30 Shefford Women’s Institute at Shefford Community Hall

8.00 pm onward Darts League at the STMA

Tai Chi class Shefford

Events of the day:

Pigeon Club at the STMA

2.30 Tai Chi “Over 50’s” class

6.30pm – 9.00pm – Adult Thai  Kick Boxing at the Community Hall.

7.15 pm Shefford Runners at the STMA

Baptist Church Messy Harvest FestivalThis year we can savor a relaxed – but messy! Sunday in our first weekend. We have a Messy Harvest Festival at the Baptist Church followed by a Community Lunch – then Tai Chi in the evening in the Community Hall.

Sunday 15

10.45 Messy Harvest Festival at Shefford Baptist Church,

12.30 Community Lunch at Shefford Baptist Church

6.30 Tai Chi at the Community Hall.

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