Home Thursday starts the build up to the weekend

Thursday starts the build up to the weekend

Things start to build up to a busy weekend from Thursday

Thursday 22nd September:
10.00  Line Dancing at the Community Hall. Contact Rosemarie on Tel: 01462 617052 or Mobile: 07711370932. Email: rosemariestevens@ntlworld.com.
10.30 Jo Jingles at the STMA. Contact Karen Garner, 01462 456777, karenandjo@gmail.com.
10.30 – 3.00pm. Inclusive Café at St Michaels Church. All welcome for tea/coffee and biscuits/cake.
4.00 – 5.00pm Mini Hatters at the Methodist Church. FREE taster session for all 4-5 year olds who want to Dance, Act and Sing, have fun and become part of our performing Mad Hatters family! Contact Founder and Artistic Director Hollie Milburn, info@madhatterstheatreschool.co.uk, 07376 058147.
7.15pm Shefford Runners at the STMA. Contact Info@sheffordrunners.co.uk.
7.30pm Full Bottle Fitness at the STMA. Contact Tina Sales, 07952948682, tina@fullbottlefitness.co.uk.