Home Very wet Sunday?

Very wet Sunday?

At 8.30 am on Sunday morning as I write this it has been raining continuously since the hail storm at 2.30 pm yesterday – so 18 hours and still going.  The weather forecast shows “thundery showers and a gentle breeze” so we are wondering about getting our gazebo out for the Garage Sale Trail. Our plan is to see if the rain eases off enough to put our gazebo up and take it from there – also perhaps to take a car trip round town to check out what other people have managed to achieve. We could see more of the amazing scarecrows and maybe some people will be sheltered OK – I noticed one open garage being prepared yesterday so all the best to anyone who gets their stall out.

The Art EXhibition

In the meantime those of you that didn’t get to the Art Exhibition at the Community Hall could get a tea/coffee and cake and a look at the local artistic display in the dry and newly refurbished Community Hall.

Good luck to everybody for the rest of today

It is a good job we got to see the Scarecrows yesterday here are the ones I saw.

The Methodist displayTobboganingMethodist 2

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